Online Payments
SONA annual membership dues are paid at the beginning of each calendar year. Collecting member dues in January allows us to effectively forecast and maximize our patrol schedule for the entire year. Dues paid throughout the year are not prorated and do not carry over into the next calendar year. We appreciate your continued support of SONA.
To renew your membership and update your contact information: After logging in, select YOUR PROFILE at the top right of the page.
If you see a note that says “Your membership has expired”, you may renew your membership by selecting the Renew Your Membership link below the note.
Once you select Renew your Membership, you will be taken to a new webpage where you can update/confirm your contact details. After confirming your contact details, scroll to the bottom and select the green Save button.
Select Pay Invoice Online to use our secure online payment system. Or print and remit the created invoice to pay via check.