SONA Patrol Info
Below are frequently asked questions about the SONA patrol.
1. How do I contact a SONA Patrol?
All suspicious activity calls and non-emergency calls for service must go through the Sac County Sheriff Dispatcher: 916-874-5115. This number will 'answer' with a recording. Press “0” as soon as the recording begins to be instantly transferred to a dispatcher.
The dispatcher will immediately know if a SONA off-duty patrol is working our neighborhood and the patrol Deputy will be able to quickly respond to your call. If a SONA patroller is not working, a Wilhaggin off-duty patrol will be the next in line to respond (if they are working a shift). If there are no off-duty patrols available, the call will be triaged and a regular patrol officer will respond.
2. Why is there no direct phone line/phone number to contact our off-duty patrols?
At the insistence of the Sac County Sheriff, all calls for non-emergency service must go through the dispatch desk. The dispatcher has the “big picture” regarding suspicious activity in our area and surrounding areas. There may be several calls for suspicious activity that covers several neighborhoods. There may be a suspicious person that the Sheriff is already looking for; providing information to one source is much more effective, comprehensive and timely.
3. How do I schedule a Vacation Check
Use the Vacation Check feature on this website to schedule a vacation check.
1. Select LOGIN
3. Select VACATION CHECK (Must be a current member to schedule a vacation check)
4. Complete form and submit.
An off-duty patrol will check your house once during each patrol shift, make sure all doors and windows are secure, remove any flyers or packages from your front porch, etc.
4. How do I make a donation to help fund additional SONA patrols?
We have at the request of SONA members create a separate page on our website to make it easy to donate to help fund additional SONA patrols. You can find the website page here. Thank you for your donation!
DO NOT use the SONA Vacation Check form to report suspicious activity. Our off-duty patrollers routinely request that residents DO NOT email them information about suspicious activity. Please call it in, that way they can respond in real time.
For an emergency call: 916-874-5111 from a cell phone or 911 from a land line.